It is known to all that the non-government MPO teachers have been staying on the street for long 38 days demanding nationalisation of the MPO'd schools, colleges and madrasas. In the mean time, two teachers died after joining the this movement a few days ago. In addition to this, more than 1 thousand teachers have become ill. This number of illness is increasing day by day. The news of the MPO teachers has already been broadcasted with importance in print and electronic media.
The media has said in their reports that there are two systems in education in Bangladesh. They are the govt. and thr non-govt. Even after passing 52 years the non-govt. teachers have been victimised of different discriminations in receiving financial benefits. Inspite of conducting both the systems under the same curriculum, law and same educational qualification, the discriminations between the govt. and the non-govt teachers are-- the govt. teachers get two festival allowance equivalent of their basic salaries. On the other hand, the non-govt. teachers get only 25% of their basic salaries. The govt. teachers get 1500 taka as their medical allowance where the non.govt. teachers get only 500 taka. The govt. teachers get 40-50% house rent of their basic salaries where the non-govt. teachers get only 1000 taka. Already the leaders of the teachers have presented their discriminations to the government. They also have informed the government that if the income of the non-govt educational institutions is taken to the royal treasury, the govt. does not have to give any subsidy for the nationalisation of the non-govt. institutions. But the govt. has not yet taken any effective decision to solve the problem. We think there is something wrong. In this case, we think that The Prime Minister should take urgent steps to nationase the non-govt. educational institutions. It will be a golden history for The Prime Minister. On the other hand, if their demand is unfair, give an official declaration. The teachers will break their movement and go to their respective institutions.
Staying on the streets of the teachers for a long time is disgraceful for a nation.
সম্পাদক মণ্ডলীর সভাপতি: প্রফেসর নূর মো. রহমত উল্লাহ। নির্বাহী সম্পাদকঃ ব্যারিস্টার মো. ইমরান খাঁন, ব্যবস্থাপনা সম্পাদক: মো. ওমর ফারুক
ইমেইল: [email protected] মোবাইল: ০১৭৫৪-২২২৫০২
অফিসঃ গ্রামঃ শ্রীমদ্দি(আলোনিয়াকান্দি), পোঃ- হোমনা, উপজেলাঃহোমনা, জেলাঃ কুমিল্লা।
সম্পাদক ও প্রকাশক: মো. ইব্রাহিম খলিল কর্তৃক কুমিল্লা জেলা থেকে সম্পাদিত ও প্রকাশিত।